Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Blog Award

Thank you so much to Coco Rose for this lovely award! It really lifted my spirits and made me smile. It's nice to feel appreciated and boosted my confidence. I am going to make a point today to sit down and nominate some other blogs for an award as you guys really keep me inspired. Thank you again.  I'm off to find my top ten blogs x

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Nautical Star Bunting

Another personalised bunting completed earlier this week for a bedroom. At least one task completed. Now need energy to get the rest of the orders done.....hope baby sleeps!

What a lovely day!

The first day where I don't have to wait in for midwives/health visitors/workmen so me Gregor and Moray popped out to the local country park for some fresh air this morning then out for a walk this afternoon. My reasons being slightly selfish though as I need to get back to work on the Gala Cottage products with a shop interested and orders building up it's very frustrating not to have the time to sit at the machine and when I do, I seem to be making a mess of things.

So here is for some focus in the coming weeks to get back on track. If any one has any tips on how to stay focussed when working from home, please pass them on as I would really like to hear them. I have the kids in a strict routine and can normally get from 8pm onwards to work (stopping for feeds every 3-4 hours) but I am just so tired it doesn't always go to plan.

Plus I am looking for some places that do nice country/nautical style fabric and ribbons. Any suggestions would be welcomed.....

Hope you all had a lovely summers day today!

Monday, 3 May 2010

Baby Moray is here!

There is a new addition here at Gala Cottage and i'll be having a wee rest from the sewing for a few days till I get settled.

Moray arrived on Saturday at 1.45pm and weighed in at 7lbs 6ounces. After them breaking my waters he arrived exactly 4 hours later...another short labour!